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Welcome to the Subler Help Center

Get help with transitioning your account to Subler from Huego

Subler Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Get help with moving your account and more. 

Why the change to Subler?

We are committed to bringing you the best marketplace experience and this transition is the first step toward that commitment. We are expanding our network to accommodate the needs of our growing consumer base and bring you a set of great new features in the process!

When will the change occur?

The official launch date is set for November 7th! Look out for an email notifying you of the transition.

How will the transition affect my organization? 

In the short term, the transition is anticipated to be easy and effortless as all of our current users will be automatically transferred to the new platform. In the long run, our new website will offer a sleek and more personalized listing experience, but aside from that you will still be able to enjoy the key features you have grown to love.

Will my profile be transferred to the new website automatically?

Yes, current users will automatically have their data transferred for a seamless transition.

What new features can I expect?

  • Aside from a sleek new interface, you now have the ability to customize your rental listing to include different services and their fees, which means less out-of-pocket costs for your organization to cover.

  • You will also see a reduction in pre-transaction communications, which will free up your time for serious buyers.

  • Listings will support only one pricing unit. We no longer support Daily, Weekly, or Monthly listings. 

  • You now have the ability to set custom prices for additional services and you can still adjust your hourly rates at any time. 

  • Subler will no longer support PayPal by default, so no PayPal information is migrated.

  • Users will support only one email address. If you previously connected multiple email addresses, you will need to use the primary email address you originally created an account for. 

  • Social logins are not migrated directly. Users can log into their account using Facebook/Google if the email address in the identity provider (e.g. Facebook) matches their Subler marketplace email address.

  • Transactions and messages are not migrated. If you need history information, feel free to contact our team here, and we can supply this data for you. 

How soon can I start using the new website for bookings?

Right away! We will send you an email on launch day reminding you of the transition. You can begin using the new platform immediately.

Will my payments be processed the same way?

The new system will support Stripe transactions. Before any booking request is processed, you will still need to approve the transaction. You will still have the option to reject the request if you do not wish to proceed with the booking.

What will happen to the old website?

All users and customers will be redirected to the Subler website. You will no longer have access to the Huego website. We will take care of this for you. If you have any old links saved on your website, be sure to update them with your new Subler links.

Will I still have access to past conversations and transactions?

We will not be preserving past conversations. However, if your organization has any questions or needs help referencing a past transaction, please email us at for personalized support.

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